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About our Services

  • Design thinking – what is it?

    Design thinking is a human-centered approach to solving problems that are anchored in understanding customer needs, rapid prototyping and generating creative ideas that will transform the way products, services, processes, and organizations are developed. By using design thinking, decisions are based on what customers really want.

  • Does knext offer CV, LinkedIn profile and Cover Letter writing services?

    No. knext is not offering employment services support at this stage. To get you started, here is a useful link that we think may be useful to you.

  • What if I am not happy with the services I paid for?

    We provide 100% Money-Back Guarantee for all our solutions. During the refund process, we will ask you some questions so that we can improve our service offering in future.

    For refund requests, please send an email to 

  • Cancellations

    There are times when a client may need to cancel and reschedule appointments. Where possible, we ask that clients give us advance notice. No cancellation fee is charged for the first cancellation however a cancellation fee may be charged for the second cancellation made in less than 24 hours. If repeated cancellations are made without a valid reason, we may suspend services.

About our Impact

  • How did we select our impact partners?

    We used our network to identify a number of contenders whose mission would benefit from the support from knext. We then reached out to them to have discussions and selected the final partners whose details are available on our site. These groups are not-for-profits who are passionate about tackling inequality. We are thrilled to be working alongside them.

  • How are we measuring the impact of projects we support?

    Our impact partners have different priorities that they are measuring – and that is okay. Those who we support already have a proven track record of having impact within the local community and have plans in place to succeed long-term. We are committed to providing you, our supporters, with information on the impact we are having once we have access to good, reliable data and relevant insights.


  • When will my card be charged?

    You will be charged when the payment is successful.

  • I am making a payment in my local currency. How is foreign exchange rates calculated?

    Exchange rates displayed at checkout are typically mid-market rates: the average between the buy and sell price of the currency. Our payment service providers apply daily mid-market rates provided by their service providers. If you still have questions, drop us an email at and we will look into your query.


  • Declined payments - what happens in this scenario? Do I get charged with a decline fee?

    You won’t be charged decline fees. This means, regardless of the decline reason, no transaction fees will be applied.

  • If a payment in a currency other than AUD is disputed or refunded, how is the conversion calculated?

    Currency rates fluctuate on a daily basis, so the rate used when a charge is converted often differs from the rate used when a dispute or refund occurs. The returned amount can be less—or more—than the payment that was made. Ultimately, our customers will be refunded the exact amount they paid and in the currency they paid in, regardless of the rate. If you still have questions, email us at

  • I still have queries about my bill. Where can I go for assistance?

    You can send an email to with your questions.

Other matters

  • How do I contact knext?

    We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a note at

  • Does knext have a phone number?

    At this stage we can only offer email support. We will include a phone number once it is available.

    You can get in touch with our team at